Each in-depth review (i.e. not one just imported from Goodreads) will follow the same basic structure:
- Cover and Bibliographic Information
- Description
- Overall Rating
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Full Review
Bibliographic Information: Just in case anyone wishes to find it for themselves.
Description: This provides a brief plot sketch for the book and will usually be taken from the cover of the book itself.
Guide to Ratings:
* (one star) = disliked
** (two stars) = neutral (it was okay)
*** (three stars) = liked
**** (four stars) = really liked
***** (five stars) = loved
Strengths: These are the various parts of the book that, to me, set it apart as a good book. No matter how much I dislike a book, I will always try to find something commendable about it (very few books are completely lost causes).
Weaknesses: These are aspects of the book that either detracted from my enjoyment or that pulled me out of the story.
Full review: This gives my general impressions about the book. This part may include how I came across the book, why I read it, why I stopped reading it (if that is the case). When posts are viewed from the main blog page, this part is hidden under a See Full Review link a) to conserve space on the main page and b) for those readers who simply wish to see the highlights immediately.